Ensuring a Safe Operations Your children are safe in our program. Learn More
At Rush County Homeschoolers, we do NOT tolerate any bullying whatsoever. If you or your child/children are found to be bullying (this includes but not limited to yelling, arguing, disruptive behavior, horsing around, and aggression) towards others and or causing any unnecessary drama, you and your family will be immediately removed from our group and will no longer be allowed to attend any meeting, event, or get together of any kind whatsoever.
As a member, you must participate regularly to stay a member, this means participating in at least one event, meeting, or get-together per month.
You understand that this is not a drop and go group. You are responsible and liable for your child(ren). They are NEVER to be left unattended or unsupervised at any time. If you need to leave them with another adult, please make sure you complete the sign-out sheet form before leaving, and when you get back. The only exception to this rule is for prearranged events for date nights or the like.
You agree to be respectful to all members at all times.
You are responsible and liable for any damages you or your child(ren) cause, no matter where a meeting, event, or get together occurs. If there is cost involved, you will be billed.
You agree to always stay in communication with Rush County Homeschoolers and will communicate in a timely manner.
You understand that you and your child(ren) should not attend group if you are sick in any way, shape, or form. We care and appreciate our members, but we do not need to be spreading germs around to other members and their families.
You agree to always clean up after yourself and your child(ren).
You agree to respect other members' privacy at all times.
You agree to report any and all safety concerns to Rush County Homeschoolers and the event location staff immediately.
You agree if you see something, you say something. Staying quiet does not do anybody any good. We are all mandatory reporters. We want this to always be a safe environment for all members and their families. If you have questions or need help, please let us know.
You agree and understand that there is to be no alcohol or drugs at any and all meetings, events, or get-togethers.
You understand that Rush County Homeschoolers is not a Co-Op. We are a homeschool group to offer support, resources, events, and activities. We will not have formal classes of any kind and we are NOT responsible for keeping track of your child(ren)'s attendance.
You understand that this document needs to stay up to date and must be signed each occurring year you are a member.
Rush County Homeschoolers is also referred to as RC Homeschoolers as well as RCH and they are one in the same.
Founders are Brandy Hendrix and Natasha Wisler
More guidelines can be added at any given time with or without any advance notification. It is up to you to stay up to date and informed. The best way to do this is through your member section on our website, rchomeschoolers.com, and by participating in regular meetings.
In order to be a member and participate in any event or get together, this document must be signed.
If these are violated in any way, shape or form, YOU AND YOUR FAMILY will be immediately removed and will no longer be considered a member or allowed to participate in any events, meetings, or get-togethers of any kind.